ISO certification

As Bodinco is continuously trying to improve its high standard of quality and support, we are proud to mention that our Quality Management System has received the ISO certification of NEN-EN-ISO 9001:2015 (from March 2020).

Click on this link to see our certificate.

Our certification has been accredited by DNV, the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company. Recognized as the global benchmark for quality and integrity, the DNV acknowledgment confirms our ongoing efforts to offer our suppliers and customers the highest level of service and support.

For more information on the accreditation please visit the website of https://dnv.com





GMP certification

In line with Bodinco’s ongoing efforts to elevate its quality standards and support, we are delighted to inform you that our manufacturing facilities have been granted the GMP certification by the Bureau of Veterinary Medicines in the Netherlands, in accordance with the guidelines outlined by the Healthcare and Youth Inspectorate.

Click on this link to see our certificate.

In the Netherlands, the Bureau of Veterinary Medicines, on behalf of the Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV) and upon advice from the Healthcare and Youth Inspectorate (IGJ), issues a ‘Certificate of GMP compliance of a manufacturer’ (hereinafter: GMP certificate) to the manufacturer of veterinary medicines if they adhere to the GMP guidelines. IGJ is the regulatory authority and conducts inspections to investigate whether the manufacturer complies with GMP rules.

For more information on the accreditation please visit the website of https://cbg.nl

“Seeing and utilizing new opportunities”